Friday, 18 March 2016

OUGD503 Collaborative Practice, Desperados - Evaluation (Studio Brief Two)

This brief was surprisingly challenging. The first part of this competition was to choose who we wanted to collaborate with. This was quite difficult as I don't know many people from animation or illustration, However the tasks set really helped me with this. I chose to work with an animator and an illustrator. I thought that both of the specialisms would be very helpful with this process as I'm not particularly talented with illustration or animation. I think covering all three specialisms available in this project has definitely benefited our our creative outcome.

A strength of this project was our time management, as we all worked very well together and apart. I made myself a timescale in which to have the work done. This was actually made very difficult to stick to, as I was heavily relying on the other contributors of this group. I believe another strength of this project to be my own personal research, as I found it really helped me when creating my own designs, for example, looking into websites that are out there in current day.

A weakness of this project was the fact that we were all on different specialisms. This made it very difficult to meet up as our timetables are very different. I think completing this project would've been a lot easier if we were on the same timetable, as we would've had designated time for completing this brief together instead of apart.

Overall, I think this project went really smoothly. We all had our work completed for the final deadline and the work across each platform is consistent and to a high standard. If I were to participate in this brief again, I would start working on it earlier and set strict timetables in which to meet up, as we met up very little and generally just discussed our process and current projects over social media. This was helpful however, but it could’ve helped to discuss the work in person and brainstorm further ideas.

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